
I’m Robert. I like to make things, on the computer or otherwise. In my time away from my computer, I enjoy long walks and nature. Lately I’ve been learning about ham radio and rockhounding (amateur geology).

My Projects

I’ve worked on RoboSub, a competition to build and program an autonomous underwater vehicle.

I’ve worked on various sysadmin projects with UC Berkeley CSUA and UC Berkeley IEEE.

For a comprehensive list, see hacks.

My Computers

See computers.

My Software Tools

I think that the only way to do your job right is to have the right tools.

When I work on systems administation, I spend a lot of time ssh‘d into remote boxes. On the terminal, I like to use the following tools:

  • Vim for editing text effectively
  • Tmux for session persistence and pane splitting
  • Mosh for keeping ssh sessions open and stable in spite of dodgy connections

To sync and track my configurations across machines, I store my dotfiles here.

Lately, I’ve been trying out VS Code. The remote development workflow “just works” over ssh and I’m quite happy with it so far. The editor support for working on websites is pretty nifty too.

My primary programming language is Python. The standard library is so rich it brings a tear to my eye. Besides Python, I’m also familiar with C++, Java, SQL, and a few more. I’ve been learning Rust on and off for the past few years as well, although I haven’t had much use for it yet.

My Blog

I’d like to share my experiences working with software, hopefully to assist people who are doing the same things as I am. I’d also like to share my workflow and problem-solving process. I’d also like to get better at writing and publishing. Thanks for visiting!

This Site

This website was created with Jekyll, a open-source blogging platform.

This website is hosted via GitHub pages here.