I like programming as both a hobby and career. I like to using programming to help solve problems, whether for practicality or for amusement. In other words, these are hacks.

Here’s a list of some of the projects that I’ve made or worked on. This is by no means comprehensive. This is mostly for my own reference so I can find the links later when I want to show someone something I went and did. Maybe someday when I’m seeking employment again I’ll make it look nice.


  • Text-to-speech generator
    • Tooling: https://github.com/robertquitt/auto-tts-video
    • Post: https://www.facebook.com/robert.quitt/posts/1113181098751216
    • ffmpeg, espeak, Python unicodedata
  • Automatic image cropper for facebook photo albums
    • Tooling code is somewhere, I’ll link it when I find it (was just a 5 line script)
    • Post: https://www.facebook.com/robert.quitt/posts/1107802482622411
    • Bash, ImageMagick
  • Every single DeNero “announcements” ever
    • Tooling: https://github.com/robertquitt/denero-announcements
    • The post: https://www.facebook.com/robert.quitt/videos/3332866800115957
    • youtube-dl, ffmpeg, vosk (speech recognition tool)
  • Eecs World (no code, but a lot of original content) https://www.facebook.com/eecsworldedm
  • The Same Photo of Anant Sahai Every Day
    • https://facebook.com/NoticeMeSahaiSenpai
    • Django, Facebook API
  • Meme gallery + downloader (WIP)
    • https://github.com/robertquitt/django-booru
  • CSUA backend
    • https://www.csua.berkeley.edu/
    • https://github.com/CSUA/csua-backend
    • Django


  • Eecs World
    • https://eecs.world/
  • Aseem’s Legit
    • I made the scrolling title
    • Formerly at aseemslegit.com
    • https://aseem.eecs.world/
  • tipsy.moe
    • I made http://tipsy.moe/denero/
    • Source: https://github.com/robertquitt/tipsy.moe
  • CSUA Backend
    • Rewrote this whole website
    • Django
  • Fractals
    • https://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~robertq/fractals.html
  • Cagenana game
    • https://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~robertq/cagenana/

Hackathon Projects

  • Hack Into it
    • I forgot what we did, some kind of OCR receipt processing with tesseract as part of a chatbot. But we got free boba so that was cool.
  • Cal Hacks 4.0
  • Cal Hacks 6.0
    • https://github.com/s-xuchr/universal-subtitler
    • Adds subtitles to any video
    • 3rd Place for Google Cloud API Prize
    • ffmpeg, Google {Speech to Text,Translate} API, Google Chrome Extension


  • FTC 5555
  • Battlecode 2016
  • Robosub


  • Minecraft discord bot (copies Minecraft server chat messages to discord)
    • https://github.com/robertquitt/mcbot
    • Also includes in-game statistics (e.g. http://mc.eecs.world/diamonds)
  • One-off script for rebooting my roommate’s modem
    • https://github.com/robertquitt/reboot-modem/blob/master/reboot_router.py